Compact Calendar 2014

While scouring the interwebs, i stumble upon a calendar so simple that's called Compact Calendar by David Seah. I have made Malaysian version for several years and now, here it is for 2014.

Feel free to download and use Compact Calendar Malaysia version and play with it. ;)

According to David:
For those of you new to the Compact Calendar, it’s a single-page calendar that you print out and use for planning. The days of the year are presented as a solid block of days, so it’s easy to count-off weeks when you are figuring out scheduling. There’s plenty of space on the right-hand side too, so you can keep notes. I first made this calendar back in the 90s so I could block-out projects during meetings, but since then I’ve heard that people use it for family vacation planning and even biological purposes (counting weeks of gestation, for example).

Compact Calendar 2012

This is another new version of compact calendar. An excellent calendar, so compact, originally created by David Seah. I have made version 2010, 2011 and now, here it is version 2012.

Feel free to download and use Compact Calendar Malaysia version. Posterous doesn't accept .zip files anymore, bear with it. I think downloaded version is nicer compared to converted version displayed here.

Compact Calendar 2010

* update: I have updated Compact Calendar for 2011.

While browsing around, I found this cool designer that create a compact calendar for 2010.I adjusted and replaced it with Malaysian Holidays.

Everything below is quoted from the author website :)

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About Compact Calendar

The Compact Calendar is a printable calendar based on an Excel spreadsheet, designed to be easy to use in impromptu planning by yourself or with a group of people.
Here's an example of the calendar in use...
click the photo to zoom in!

In general, I use printouts as a thinking calendar, doodling in estimated times and circling dates, dependencies, and deliverables. You can see how I use lines to connect with the notes on the right side of the paper.

At client meetings I can use the calendar to note other dependencies, deliverables, and ask about company meetings and other potential conflicts like vacations. It's a lot easier to pass the sheet around than a laptop; people can contemplate paper more easily.

After I get things worked out, I will sometimes make a "clean" version of the schedule using a new sheet and give it to the client to photocopy.

When I'm managing other people in person, sometimes I'll use the Compact Calendar to quickly note their deliverables and the dates on this sheet. I'll also sometimes point out dependencies, and then they have this sheet they can just stick up on the wall and follow. I find that people just need to know when something is due so they can tackle the work; if they have to read a detailed spec or the proposal to find this critical information just slows things down. Specifics of course matter, but that's a post for another day.
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Download your own copy and be productive!
I have prepared 2 versions: Excel 2007 and Excel 2003.